US trade remedy laws have recently expanded. The Office handles matters under the antidumping and countervailing duty laws, safeguards (Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974), national security trade actions (section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962), intellectual property and trade (Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930) related matters.
Customs advice on classification, valuation, country of origin and related issues; Customs enforcement and collection of trade remedy duty deposits and assessment of duties; foreign trade zone compliance; special tariffs and quota administration (safeguards, section 232 & 337).
International trade litigation and arbitration involving judicial review of administrative actions (trade remedies, section 232 and Customs protests and penalties); NAFTA Chapter 19 binational panel proceedings.
International trade litigation and arbitration involving judicial review of administrative actions (trade remedies, section 232 and Customs protests and penalties); NAFTA Chapter 19 binational panel proceedings.
International trade litigation and arbitration involving judicial review of administrative actions (trade remedies, section 232 and Customs protests and penalties); NAFTA Chapter 19 binational panel proceedings.
Global investment decisions; economic development strategies for government and private industry; comparison of national programs to encourage investment.
Analysis of WTO agreements affecting business; advocacy regarding WTO dispute settlement cases; advising clients in proceedings before the WTO.
Lewis Leibowitz is a well-known international trade and Customs attorney based in Washington, D.C. He advises clients on international trade opportunities and challenges dealing with law and government policy. He speaks and writes frequently on international trade legal and policy issues including a blog on these topics.
Lewis has extensive experience with international trade matters, having worked in the area for more than four decades. He has successfully handled trade issues involving the steel, automotive, textile, energy, and technology industries among other areas of business. He provides strategic advice on presidential and congressional issues involving trade, as well as U.S. and international administrative and judicial proceedings. He has assisted clients affected, both favorably and unfavorably, by trade negotiations and international agreements, including bilateral, regional, multilateral and global agreements. He has handled international disputes under WTO, NAFTA and other bilateral and regional trade agreements.
Lewis also has long experience in the area of trade remedies, including antidumping, countervailing duties, safeguards, Section 301 and Section 232 proceedings. His long-range perspective allows him to help companies affected by trade restrictions imposed by the United States and other countries due to these cases and their consequences for commercial activities and economic development.
As an experienced champion advocating the interests of “consuming industries,” he has worked to guide coalitions aimed at reducing barriers to trade and investment in the United States imposed by government action. Lewis has guided a number of coalitions in successful efforts to change trade policy for the benefit of America’s consuming industries. Legal and policy issues affecting international economic development and global competitiveness are a key focus of his practice and his writings.
Lewis is a leading attorney and strategic advisor in matters involving foreign trade zones, a creative Customs procedure that can help U.S. firms improve their international competitiveness. He was previously a Board Member and Chairman of the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ) and assisted in the creation of the World Free Zones Organization (WFZO). He concentrates on foreign trade zone matters that raise important trade and investment issues. He has guided clients to significant victories against entrenched opposition interests.
Lewis also represents clients before U.S. Customs and Border Protection in planning, compliance and enforcement issues. He participates in administrative proceedings, Customs penalty and liquidated damages proceedings and court litigation involving Customs and FTZ matters.
How I Can Help
I find solutions for clients with international trade issues—maximizing savings when trade cases threaten to increase costs. Seeking lower tariffs through site selection and manufacturing locations around the world. Helping economic development organizations across the world improve their ability to attract investment and infrastructure.
After nearly 40 years of work with major law firms, I set out to provide these services to people who cannot afford Big Law but will benefit from creative solutions to legal and competitiveness problems.
I specialize in creative fee structures to provide maximum certainty about costs for my clients.